Call for abstracts

Those involved in any aspect of separation science are cordially invited to submit an abstract describing their work.

The abstract should be single spaced and not longer than one page (about 350 words) using 12-point Times New Roman, saved in MS Word format.

The abstract should have the following format:

Title: Initial capital letters for major words.

Name(s) of author(s): Surname followed by initials. Identify the presenting author with an asterisk and multiple addresses by numerals in superscripts.

Addresses of authors: The full mailing address must be given.

Abstracts are to be submitted before July 31, 2023, via the online registration system.


Instruction for presenters

Oral presentations

The length of oral presentations is either 30 or 20 minutes (15 minutes for manufacturers’ lectures). The organizers suggest leaving 5 minutes for questions and discussion. The organizers kindly ask a strict adherence to the agreed time, as the session chairs will be asked to rigorously maintain the time schedule. During the presentation the lecturer will have a laptop (Windows PC) and a microphone at their disposal. The presentation may be prepared in any available presentation format (MS, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Prezi, pdf, etc.). Please bring your presentation on a USB key. Transferring individual presentations to the laptops will take place before the start of the symposium each day and during coffee or lunch breaks.

Poster presentations

The useful area of the poster board is 90 cm at width and 125 cm at height. The recommended size for your poster is about the standing A0 standard (cca. 84 x 119 cm). Pins and adhesive tapes will be provided to fix the posters. Posters will be identified by posters numbers, which are printed in the final program. Poster presenters are kindly requested to hang up their poster on Wednesday morning and remove their posters on Thursday evening. Authors of posters should stand at their posters and be available to discuss their research during the Poster Sessions on Wednesday or Thursday according to the schedule in the final program.